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U.S Supreme court supports Catholic objection to Obamacare contraception. Throws away lower court decision supporting Obamacare.


The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday revived religious objections by Catholic groups in Michigan and Tennessee to the Obamacare requirement for contraception coverage. The Supreme Court dismissed the lower court decision which supported Obamacare requirements for contraception. The justices asked the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider its decision that backed the Obama administration in light of the Supreme Court's June 2014 ruling that allowed certain privately owned corporations to seek exemptions from the provision.


Obama's healthcare law, known as Obamacare, requires employers to provide health insurance policies that cover preventive services for women including access to contraception and sterilization. Catholics and other religious groups support preventive services but oppose using tax payer money for contraception and abortion. Various challengers, including family-owned companies and religious affiliated nonprofits that oppose abortion and sometimes the use of contraceptives, say the requirement infringes on their religious beliefs.



The appeals court rulings in both cases pre-dated the Supreme Court's June 2014 ruling that family-owned Hobby Lobby Stores Ltd could seek exemptions on religious grounds from the contraception provision of the 2010 healthcare law.Religious rights are protected under a law called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The case is Michigan Catholic Conference v. Burwell (Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services), U.S. Supreme Court, No. 14-701.


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