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Today is the day of these Innocent Lives--March 21--World Down Syndrome Day.   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


The measure of their intelligence denies them of all rights of an average human being. But, the measure of their innocence is above an average human being, which nobody cares about. Today, March 21, is World Down Syndrome Day. Down Syndrome, also called Trisomy-21, occurs when people have a third copy of their 21st chromosome – hence the choice of March 21.

In 2011 the United Nations passed a resolution supporting the celebration and declaring empathetically that: "People with Down syndrome, on an equal basis with other people, must be able to enjoy full and equal rights, both as children and adults with opportunities and choices". This video is an evidence that this declaration still remains in paper.

People with Down Syndrome are discriminated against and are often denied the right to participate in civic life, which is the biggest discrimination. Why they cannot participate in normal life?

Down Syndrome International released this video which is very touching and thought-provoking. Reports vary in the statistics of Down Syndrome. But, an estimated 90% of women who know that they are pregnant with a Down Syndrome Child choose to abort them. Increasingly accurate prenatal testing services will ensure that fewer and fewer Down Syndrome Children enter the world. These prenatal tests are denying these kids their 'right to life'. Millions of Down Syndrome babies are being killed in the womb or crushed outside the womb in failed abortions. No organization stands for their 'right to life' while growing in the womb. But, needless to say, the works of Down Syndrome International must be appreciated for what they are doing to these children, born to brave mothers who protected them in their wombs.





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