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Supreme Court Tells Obama Administration (Sixth Time) to Stop Forcing Religious Groups Obey Abortion Mandate.   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


This is the sixth time the HHS mandate (Health and Human Services mandate) has been before the Supreme Court, and the sixth time HHS has lost. Due to the existence of Obamacare as the law-of-the-land, religious organizations have to go to the Supreme Court each time to get exemption from Obamacare.


The Supreme Court issued an order on Monday (June 29, 2015) preventing the Obama administration from forcing religious groups in Pennsylvania to obey the HHS mandate that requires them to pay for abortion-causing drugs for their employees.


Why is Obama administration fighting religious charities who serve the poor?


"Every time a religious ministry has taken this issue to the Supreme Court, the government has lost, and the religious plaintiffs have been granted relief", says Eric Rassbach, Deputy General Counsel of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.


In April 2015, Supreme Court Justice Alito issued an interim order, protecting the charities and churches from complying with the HHS Mandate while their case continued. This was similar to the preliminary order Justice Sotomayor provided to the Little Sisters of the Poor on the New Year’s Eve in 2013.


The Pennsylvania-based religious organizations join over 750 plaintiffs in other nonprofit cases that have been granted protection from the unconstitutional HHS mandate, which forces religious ministries to either violate their faith or pay massive IRS penalties.



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