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Staff who assisted Killer-Gynecologist sentenced to Prison:   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


While America is recovering from the abortion- horrors of Killer-Gynecologist Kermit Gosnell, a Federal Court in Philadelphia sentenced his assistant Lynda Williams to 2 1/2 years in prison for her role in running the abortion clinic. Kermit Gosnell is in prison serving 3 life sentences for killing live babies he aborted. Gosnell also ran an illegal pill-selling scheme at his abortion clinic in which some of his staff,  including Lynda Williams, were involved.


Lynda Williams, 45 , was a front-desk night worker who did multitasking for Gosnell, like collecting money, accepting tips for pain killers, and piercing scissors into the back of babies' neck to snip spinal cords.


While testifying before jury  in the court she said that "the babies jumped" when she snipped their necks, and she did only what she was told to do by the doctor. Williams testified earlier that she had only studied until eighth grade in school and never graduated. Before working for Gosnell at his Women’s Medical Society Clinic in West Philadelphia, Williams had worked for 10 years at the now-closed Atlantic Women’s Medical Services abortion clinic in Wilmington, where Gosnell worked part-time. She even gave anesthesia to patients and pleaded guilty for one woman's death.


Williams said she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2007 after her husband was killed and left her job at Atlantic clinic, where she sterilized instruments. A few months later, in 2008, she joined Gosnell's clinic.


She has been behind bars for three years and four months, in county jail, since her conviction. Her sentence in the state case is expected to be lengthier than the one handed down by the Federal court last week.


Stephen Patrizio, attorney for Williams said Williams was a victim of Gosnell's actions, contending she was "under his spell" as if in a cult. He called Gosnell "the devil."


Assistant U.S. Attorney Jessica Natali told the judge that Williams had cooperated extensively in the state case by testifying against Gosnell at his trial and in the federal pill-mill case by testifying before a grand jury.


Eight people were charged in the federal pill-mill case. Two will be sentenced next week.









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