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Pope warns cardinals and archbishops against gossip and mediocrity:   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


While addressing the Roman Curia on Saturday, Pope Francis asked the Cardinals and Archbishops to serve the Catholic Church with professionalism and holiness, rather than being mediocre. He urged officials to exercise their right to "conscientious objection to gossip", which is a vice that is "harmful to people, harmful to our works and surroundings".
He warned Vatican administrators that their work could take a downward spiral into mediocrity, gossip and bureaucratic squabbling, if they forget that theirs is a professional vocation of service to the church
The Pope made his remarks on Saturday, December 21, in his Christmas address to cardinals and officials of the Roman Curia, that is the Church’s central administration at the Vatican.
Pope Francis said the most important quality for Vatican officials is “holiness of life”, expressed by “constant prayer, deep humility and fraternal charity in our relationships with our fellow workers”, as well as “discreet and faithful pastoral service, zealously carried out in direct contact with God’s people”.
In his Christmas speech, the Pope stressed the importance for Vatican officials of professionalism and a spirit of service.
Without professionalism, which he described as “competence, study and keeping abreast of things”, work follows a “slow drift downward toward mediocrity”, the Pope said. “Dossiers become full of trite and lifeless information, and incapable of opening up lofty perspectives.” (Dossiers means documents; trite means lacking freshness or effectiveness)
Last month, Pope Francis reshuffled the advisory body of the powerful Congregation for Bishops, the office that vets all the world's bishop nominations.
Pope will also name his first batch of cardinals soon,  and in February will preside over the third summit of his "Group of Eight" cardinal advisers, who are expected to put forward a first round of proposals for revamping the Holy See bureaucracy.
He thanked all officials-the cardinals, bishops and priests- gathered in the Clementine Hall for the Christmas address for their work, diligence and creativity. Deviating from his prepared text, he said "There are saints in the Curia!"
                (Sources-UK Herald, Huffington Post, Catholic News Service, Associated Press)


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