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Pope supports breast feeding in public- an advice to women who refuse to feed their hungry infants in public:


Feed the poor and hungry has been the message of Pope Francis from the day one as the Pontiff. The man whose simplicity and openness are touching thousands of visitors he meets every week, during his routine General Audience session. When an infant is crying with hunger the top priority of the mother should be to breast feed ,even if she is standing in front of the Pope, the representative of God. It is the right of the child and the duty of the mother, no matter what place or time or people.
Pope Francis narrated one incident in a recent papal interview with La Stompa, of what he did when he came closer to a mother caressing a crying baby.
In the interview, Andrera Torinelli of La Stompa (Vatican Insider) asked Pope Francis about the state of hungry children in the world. In response, he suggested that people should recycle food and be less wasteful, and then told a story that was both a reminder of the resources we have, and a declaration that breastfeeding mothers shouldn't be ashamed to feed their babies when they're hungry.
Said the pontiff: "There are so many children that cry because they are hungry. At the Wednesday General Audience the other day, there was a young mother behind one of the barriers with a baby that was just a few months old. The child was crying its eyes out as I came past. The mother was caressing it. I said to her: 'Madam, I think the child's hungry.' "
"Yes, it's probably time," she replied
"Please give it something to eat!" I said. "She was shy and didn't want to breast-feed in public, while the pope was passing. I wish to say the same to humanity: 'Give people something to eat!' That woman had milk to give to her child; we have enough food in the world to feed everyone."
In his blog David Gibson of Religion News Service noted that in supporting public breast-feeding, Francis was merely advocating tradition. He pointed out that some of the earliest frescos in the catacombs displayed God's love through the imagery of Mary breastfeeding the infant Jesus.
To read the full interview with La Stompa please click HERE
Huffington Post reports that In Texas, a woman was told to cover up while trying to feed her child at a recreation center. Another was called a terrorist by a New York police officer last July.
These and others who believe they are somehow enforcing notions of "modesty" are actually acting against tradition, however. The cultural shift to breasts as sexual objects is a recent one, and for centuries the image of Mary breastfeeding was considered sacred by believers.
According to the Religion News Service, "the breast-feeding Mary was shown in every possible context, and “lactation miracles” and “milk shrines” proliferated across the Christian world."
While talking about world hunger, Pope also wants all babies to be fed by their mothers in the traditional way of breast feeding.


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