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Pope in America, in a small economy car. Repeating his lesson for American Malayalee Christians.


At a time when American Malayalee Christians are arrogantly competing to show off their Luxury Cars on Sundays, across America, Pope Francis reminds the value and morals of Christianity and Catholicism.


Premises of Malayalee-Churches in America have become the venue of “Weekly Auto Show”, and many Malayalees attend Malayalee-Churches for Fashion Parade, Jewelry Display and Auto Show.


Those who do not own these luxuries ‘for good reasons’ are withdrawing themselves, turning to non-Malayalee churches for their spiritual needs. They get more happiness and peace from non-Malayalee churches, finding it more affordable and accessible.


This culture of pride among Malayalee-Christians is spreading, like a psychosis. And the prejudice and discrimination fostered by some Christian-Malayalee Priests has become a lethal cancer to the U.S Malayalee-Christian community. These unholy priests do benchmarking of Malayalee-families based on ‘display’ and appearance to satisfy their selfish and blasphemous ambitions.


Many spouses are torturing themselves with overtime duties, double duties, equity loans, and some even splitting up at the end, while more ending up with severe stress-related illnesses. All for the cause of attending Malayalee-Church in a 'luxury car'.



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