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Pope Moves the World Again, Embracing Victim of a Terrible Disease-See the Pictures @ Joychenputhukulam.com/viva il papa


Every week during his weekly audience Pope Francis's actions are creating news of compassion and humility. The people who receive his warmth and touch are the rejected and the disfigured. His eyes seek the weak, the poor and the vulnerable. His greetings to such people do not end in words, but rather extended with embracing, kissing, blessing and praying for their well being.
For those who couldn't come closer to him, he made personal phone calls to give his touch, invited the homeless to dine with him and washed the feet of young prisoners irrespective of their gender, race, creed or religion.
Two weeks ago he embraced a disfigured man with skin tumors all over the face and body. Earlier this week his compassion brought a moment of joy to another disfigured man, who virtually lost his face to a terrible disease. Last weekend, he stopped to speak and hug the man, after the weekly papal audience at St. Peter's Square. The man's identity is not known , nor the details of what caused the terrible damage to his face.
The photos below show the moments Pope Francis shared with the disfigured man.

(Photos-courtesy mail Online UK; Associated Press; Life News)


Priest, Indian Orthodox
by Fr. mathew C. Chacko, New Jersey, USA on 2013-11-26 05:36:45 am
We love you Papa. God has sent you to teach by example. God's blessings are on the world you love.

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