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Pope Francis Prescribes Medicine for Heart Health   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


Holding on to the legacy of his predecessor Blessed Pope John Paul II , Pope Francis prescribed a medicine for heart health. It came in a small box resembling a packet of pills.
Appearing on Sunday (November 17,2013) at his studio window on St. Peter's Square to address the faithful, Pope Francis jokingly said that he was like a Pharmacist, promoting prayer as medicine. Then he handed out rosary beads packaged to look like medicine. About 80,000 tourists were present in the square last Sunday. It was another  day of "Pope Francis Wave" .
In his address Pope said that he was recommending reciting the Holy Rosary prayer as a "spiritual medicine" that is "good for heart".
The warmth of Pope Francis seems to have had a ripple-effect throughout the church, as attendance at mass and confession has increased anywhere from 12 percent to 20 percent in countries around the world, according to a survey by England's Sunday Times newspaper.
The paper surveyed 22 Catholic cathedrals in England and Wales and found a 21 percent increase in attendance at Mass. They also cited surveys in Italy that showed 51 percent of priests reported a rise in attendance and Spain, where there was a 12 to 13 percent increase.
According to Washington Times, Pope Francis's down-to-earth way of speaking, in a style ordinary people can readily understand, is drawing larger- than- usual crowds to St. Peter's Square for his traditional weekly appearance.


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