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Pope Francis Meets his Chocolate Pope:   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


It was a rare moment and sweet surprise for Pope Francis last week. He met a life-sized replica of himself, made entirely out of chocolate, after his weekly general audience at St. Peter's Square on Wednesday, February 5th, 2014.


This special treat is the creation of the famous Italian chocolate artist Mirco Della Vecchia, who is also an instructor at the Accademia de Maestri Cioccolatieri, an institute which specializes and gives training in chocolate design.


The love and affection to Pope Francis took the artist and his 20 students a full 30- days-labor to complete. The "Chocolate Pontiff" is made out of a 1.5 ton of dark chocolate (which is healthy) from the lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Guatemala is famous for its authentic cocoa beans.


Micro Della Vecchia is an internationally recognized chocolate master and has won many awards and records for making the longest chocolate bar and the tallest ice-cream cone.


On this special occasion he also announced his intention to donate another 1.5 tons of chocolate to Caritas, a charitable organization  of Catholic Church.

 The chocolate Pope was carved out of a block of chocolate that came from Atitlan, in Guatemala.

Mirco della Vecchia's photo.


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