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Obama to visit Rome this year; Pope to visit U.S next year   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


President Barack Obama will meet with Pope Francis for the first time on March 27 ,2014 at the Vatican, the White House announced.
Obama's visit with the leader of the Roman Catholic Church will be part of a larger European trip that the President will start on March 24 from Netherlands. A press release issued by White House said,  "the President looks forward to discussing with Pope Francis their shared commitment to fighting poverty and growing inequality,". In his recent speeches President Obama quoted Pope's words about economic inequality and poverty.
Three weeks ago U.S Secretary of State John Kerry visited the Vatican's Secretary of State, and Obama's visit was finalized during that visit.
According to Vatican sources Pope Francis expressed his intention to visit the United States next year for the eighth  World Meeting of  Families in Philadelphia. Vatican announced that the World Meeting will be held September 22-27, 2015. The visit of Pope Francis is not officially finalized.
World Meeting of Families is held every three years since the late Pope John Paul II convened the first such gathering in 1994.
The General Assembly of the United Nations usually meets in September of every year. This is leading to a speculation that Francis might combine the Philadelphia trip with a stop in New York to address the U.N., according to a correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter. Both his predecessors, Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, addressed the UN General Assembly in New York during their visits to the U.S (1979, 1995, 2008). So there is a good chance that Pope Francis may also visit New York to address the United Nations.


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