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Obama met His Holiness Pope Francis Today


In his first official visit, which began at 10:27 a.m. in Rome, the president and the pope met for about 50 minutes -- longer than many had expected -- before bringing in the rest of the U.S. delegation, including Secretary of State John Kerry, National Security Advisor Susan Rice and press secretary Jay Carney.
One by one, the 10 members of the delegation were introduced to the pope.
President Obama made the slow, formal procession to greet the pope in the ornate Small Throne Room outside the Papal Library.
"Wonderful meeting you. I'm a great admirer," said Obama to Pope Francis.
The two walked into the library and took seats at opposite sides of the pope's desk.
"I bring greetings from my family," Obama added. "The last time I came here to meet your predecessor I was able to bring my wife and children."
The president also presented the pope with a custom made chest featuring a variety of fruit and vegetable seeds used in the White House Garden. The chest was made from American leather and wood from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
"These, I think, are carrots," Obama said, holding a pouch. "Each one has a different seed in it. The box is made from timber from the first cathedral to open in the United States, in Baltimore."
"If you have a chance to come to the White House, we can show you our garden as well," the president said.
“Como no,” the pope responded, which translates to “why not?” or “for sure.”
The inscription on the chest read: "Presented to His Holiness Pope Francis by Barack Obama President of the United States of America, March 27, 2014."
In return, the pope gave the president two medallions, which the president said he would “treasure” and a copy of Evangelii Gaudium or “The Joy of the Gospel,” the 2013 apostolic exhortation by the pope which called for a renewed focus on the world’s poor.
“I actually will probably read this in the Oval Office when I’m deeply frustrated. I’m sure it will give me strength and calm me down,” the president said, smiling.
“I hope,” the pope responded.
After the traditional exchange of gifts, the two walked together towards the door. “His Holiness is probably the only person in the world who has to put up with more protocol than me,” the president joked.
It was Obama's second visit to the Vatican as president , but his first visit to Pope Francis. In 2009, he and first lady Michelle Obama met Pope Benedict XVI, now pope emeritus. For that trip, Obama came bearing a special gift: a stole that covered the remains of St. John Neuman, the first American bishop to be canonized.
Earlier this month, Pope Francis was invited by the Republican Party Leader and House Speaker Mr. John Boehner (a Catholic) to address a joint session of Congress. Boehner extended the formal invitation on Mar. 13 in a letter to the Vatican on the one-year anniversary of Francis' papacy saying the Holy Father has "awakened hearts on every continent."
Since Paul VI made his first papal visit to the United States in 1965, three popes have come to America. John Paul II came to the United States seven times, visiting with every president from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton.
On Thursday, under an overcast sky, the president's motorcade weaved through Rome to be welcomed at the Vatican with great ceremony.
It may not seem that the president and the pope have much in common, but they share some similarities. The United States' first African American president and the first Latin American pope both exploded onto the global stage sharing messages of hope and change. But Obama's policies of abortion and gay-marriage are against the Catholic teachings and none of those issues were talked in this meeting.
Before Obama left the Vatican, he and the Pope shook hands and embraced.
"My family has to be with me on this journey. They've been very strong," Obama said. "Pray for them. I would appreciate it."
Pope Francis is expected to visit the United States next year.

Obama shows his gift to Pope Francis.


house wife
by philly, reno,nv on 2014-09-15 12:14:13 pm
I think joychen God is using you with this to spread the the worlds and actions of God with selected people. God bless

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