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Obama's Planned Parenthood killed 327,653 babies last year.   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


Planned Parenthood clinics across the United States killed over 325,000 babies from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. That is 500 more babies than previous year. The report published recently by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America claims this as a victory.



Click Here for their Annual Report


Breaking down this number shows that 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds executed in the United States. This means by the time you finish reading this news one more baby will be killed.


The report also reveals that Planned Parenthood actually provided fewer contraceptives -- 3,577,348 patients in fiscal year 2014 compared to 3,724,558 in fiscal year 2013.


According to the CNS report, Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants (tax payers' money) and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue.


The federal government is prohibited from paying directly for abortions through Title X family planning grants and reimbursements, however, federal funds do pay for Planned Parenthood operations, including the clinics where abortions are performed.


Cecile Richard, the President of Planned Parenthood received $396,138 as her base salary for fiscal year 2013, and including retirement funds and other benefits her total income was $492,200. To view Form 990 filed by Planned Parenthood click here

Sources- CNS, AP.

Obama and Cecile Richard (left) smiling.


unborn children died because of Obama
by A. Ninan, NY 10989 on 2015-01-03 09:20:45 am
How many adults were killed by military action during the year? How many babies are dying by mal nutrition around the World? How many children are denied basic amenities around the world? Why not speak about that as well?

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