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Iran Considering Giving Gold to Parents to Boost Birth Rates:   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


Iran is reversing the decade-long promotion of fertility reduction. The Iranian government is now trying to increase the country's disastrously low birth rate by considering the possibility of giving gold coins to couples to encourage them to have children. Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the mullahs were preaching against large families and favored sterilization. This resulted in the average birth rate plunging from 3.6 children per family to a current rate of well below 2.1 children per couple. According to the government analysis this will not maintain a stable population.
The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei says," If we move forward like this, we will be a country of elderly people in a not-too-distant future". He blamed imitation of western lifestyle for this decline.
But, according to a Professor of Tehran University, gold coins are not enough incentive to persuade couples to have more children, citing that the economy crippled by sanctions and a staggering inflation rate. Many young Iranians prefer to continue their studies, not marry. Lack of financial ability to buy a house and meet expenses are among other reasons why the youth postpone marriage or have no interest in raising many children.
Khoran, like the Torah and the Bible, strongly endorses the idea that babies are blessings and encourages strong families. Most Mullahs originally opposed not just abortion, but sterilization and contraception as well. But during the Revolution, the population control movement imposed birth control, and cultivated liberal Muslim clerics, who encouraged people to rethink Islam’s traditional encouragement of childbearing. These liberal clerics promoted birth control.
The UN report now projects Iran's population would peak in 10 years and then stabilize.
Confronted with the reality of an aging and dying population with no replacements in sight, Iran has begun encouraging more children. Government has embarked upon a program of government aid, such as creating and funding a bank account for each child born, and abolished the counterproductive birth control program.
Recently China also abolished its one-child policy.



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