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He embraced, kissed and blessed a disfigured man with skin tumors   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


On November 6th, as he carried out his routine greetings of pilgrims, Pope Francis embraced a man whom others would hate to touch or even look closely. The man was identified as suffering from a rare skin tumor disease called Neurofibromatosis, that looks cosmetically ugly and horrible.
Neurofibromatosis is a rare genetic disorder that causes tumors (looking like boils) to grow along the nerves, everywhere in the body. Sometimes these tumors can become cancerous, painful,  and early death due to several complications inside and outside the body. There is no cure for this condition, but not contagious. People with this condition are often discriminated and stigmatized, even by family members.
While greeting hundreds of pilgrims at St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis paused several minutes to embrace this sick man in his arms, and later, kissed on his face which was also spread with tumors. Before moving to greet others, Pope Francis also blessed the sick man, gesturing that God was watching him in his sickness.
Holy Father's compassion and affection towards the sick and the downtrodden are manifested by his gestures and actions. His actions made headlines when he visited young prisoners and washed their feet, including a young Muslim woman, on Maundy Thursday.
His response to letters with personal phone calls, especially to a rape victim, and his invitation to the local homeless to dine at St. Peter’s Square are some of the other actions that drew attention and praise from all corners of the world.
This 'simple but powerful man', who is the supreme authority and head of the single largest faith-based population of 1.2 billion Catholics around the world, is the new hope of all religious and non-religious people on earth.


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