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Former Abortion Clinic Director Reads Letter to Aborted Baby-I'm Sorry--   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


More Americans are turning Pro-life each day. Obama's Planned Parenthood clinics (the so-called abortion mills) are struggling to survive, especially in states ruled by Republican Governors, who are mostly pro-life. Horrifying crimes of Abortion-Gynecologist Kermit Gosnell touched the hearts of many young Americans, and the Prolife Rally 2014 in Washington had record number of youngsters who dared coming forward to show their support against abortion.

In a powerful and moving new video, Abby Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Southeast Texas reads a letter to an aborted baby she watched die in an abortion.

Since converting to the pro-life perspective and getting out of the abortion industry, Abby has led a new organization called "And Then There Were None", designed to assist other abortion facility workers to quit their jobs; and provide them the spiritual support, job placement, and other resources they need to leave their current places of employment.


In this powerful new video released by Life News, Abby talks about her spiritual journey to find healing, grace and forgiveness from God, after working in a position where she oversaw the destruction of so many human lives. The letter is a powerful testimony of grace and mercy, and seeking forgiveness.


“I’m stricken with sorry,” Abby says. “I’m sorry I didn’t defend you and I’m sorry I stood there and watched you die.”

Please click HERE to watch her video.



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