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Florida Governor (Republican) signs legislation to ban abortion:   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


Florida Governor Rick Scott signed a legislation today (June13,2014) barring late-term abortions. The law will take effect next month.


The new law restricts abortion in cases where doctors determine an unborn child could survive outside the womb. This will restrict unnecessary abortions promoted by Obamacare and Obama's Planned Parenthood Policy.


The Republicans, who are pro-life and support value to human lives right from the womb, are pushing for limits on abortions in all states ruled by Republican governors.


Texas Governor Rick Perry (Republican) also signed laws recently to restrict abortions. Texas also took steps to limit tax payer money to fund abortions through Obama's so-called "Planned Parenthood Abortion Mills".


Existing Florida law forbids abortion after 24 weeks' gestation, unless a woman's life or health is jeopardized by continued pregnancy. The new law signed today sets the "no-abortion point" at any stage of development when a doctor determines the fetus is viable. A viable fetus cannot be killed at any stage of development.


Once fetal viability is attained, no abortion would be allowed under the new law unless two doctors certify in writing that termination is necessary to save the patient's life or to "avert a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function ... other than a psychological condition" the Reuters reported today.


The Republicans in Florida who sponsored the bill argued that modern medicine has the knowledge and skills to save infants far earlier than the third-trimester standard for pregnancy termination used by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 1973 (Roe vs Wade) ruling that legalized abortion nationwide.


National Organization for  Women (NOW) made accusations saying Republican Legislators are failing to respect women's rights and their freedom to control their own health care decisions.


All pro-life organizations across the U.S welcomed the decision and hoped more States would adopt similar laws to prevent killing of innocent babies at the expense of tax payer money.


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