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Any genre of perfect music vocal or instrumental is like a perfect sculpture. Everything depends upon the expertise and verve of the artiste and his style of endearing presentation. It requires the grace of GOD! For anything, one needs great GURUTHWAM or blessings of the GURU and the perfect presentation of an art is the perfect GURUDAKSHINA!

With due respect to this corollary, we can very well infer that Dr. Seetharaman has shown full justice to his Guru in all respects with his mastery over the art. Guru’s blessings play a very important role in shaping the destiny of every artiste. So perfect allegiance to the Guru is very important which everyone should take note of.

A TRAJECTORY OF HIS MUSICAL CAREER: Dr.Seetharaman, with his instinct to learn this art, started his bonhomie with MRIDANGAM under the able guidance of Mumbai’s celebrity respected guru VIDWAN SHRI MUMBAI SHANKARANARAYANAN, the veteran softspoken, a banker by profession, down to earth MRIDANGAM SPECIALIST. So, Dr. Seetharaman, was under his vigorous training who groomed him as a performing artiste over a span of long eight years. In continuation. He was also fortunate enough to acquire constant guidance and tutelage from MRIDANGAM VIDWAN SHRI R BABU RAJASEKARAN (CHENNAI). Subsequently, he was privileged with a golden opportunity to undergo intensive proficiency training under the legendary artiste PADMAVIBHUSHAN SANGEETHA KALANIDHI SHRI UMAYALPURAM K. SIVARAMAN and still continues to be his ardent disciple.

A BRIEF HISTORY OF MRIDANGAM: MRIDANGAM also known as THANNUMAI in Tamil or percussion instrument in English owes its ancient origin to South India, at least 2000 years ago probably in the Tanjore district of Chennai, according to history. It is considered as the most indispensable primary musical rhythmic accompaniment in a Carnatic music, ensemble or a Bharat Natyam recital. It is a double -sided drum whose body is made, using a hollowed piece of jack-fruit wood with about an inch thickness. The two mouths of the apertures or open ends on either side are covered with goat’s skin and laced to each other with leather straps around the surface of the drum. It is the stretched membrane on the instrument which vibrates and sounds on tapping on both sides in a rhythmic manner. The combination of the two inhomogeneous circular membranes allows for the production of harmonics or amalgam of sounds. Pioneering work on the mathematics of these harmonics or amalgam of sounds was done by the renowned Nobel Prize winning physicist C V Raman whose theory of Raman Effect is quite famous in the scientific world.

SOME OF THE WELL-KNOWN MRIDANGISTS OR PERCUSSIONISTS: Karaikudi Mani, Guruvayur Dorai, Umayalapuram K Sivaraman, Patri Satish Kumar, Trichy Sankaran, Palghat Mani Iyer and Palghat Raghu respectively.

HIS DEBUT PROGRAM AND ONWARD GROWTH JOURNEY: Dr Seetharaman proudly states that he had his main debut Mridangam program at the prestigious FINE ARTS MUMBAI CHEMBUR MUMBAI, where he was fortunate enough to accompany eminent VIDWAN SHRI BHARAT SUNDAR and VIDWAN SHRI. DELHI SUNDARARAJAN in the presence of a galaxy of stalwarts and legendary artistes who have carved a niche in the domain of Carnatic music. With his steadfast pursuance and perseverance with determination, Dr. SEETHARMAN has been marching forward with his successful pursuit of MRIDANGAM and blossomed into a seasoned MRIDANGAM ARTISTE. With each ongoing program he was gaining enviable milage in his profession.

He had the privilege to perform at prestigious Sabhas, festivals and temples like Arkay ConventionCenter(Chennai); Shri. Parthasarathy Swami Sabha (Chennai); Giri Fine Arts (Chennai); Maarga Music Festival (Chennai); Papanasam Sivan Sangeetha Sabha (Chennai); Shanmughananda Sangeetha Sabha (Mumbai); Raga Sudha Hall (Chennai); The Fine Arts Society (Chembur Mumbai); Asthika Samaj (Nanganallur); Rasika Ranjani Sabha (Garodia Nagar Mumbai); Shankara Matt (Kanchipuram) in the divine presence of His Holiness Bala Periyava and in many other holy places.

Besides, he also had the rare opportunity to accompany many Carnatic Vocalists and instrumentalists like the famous Carnatica Brothers, Vidwan Shri. K N Shashikiran and Vidwan Shri. P. Ganesh; Udaylur Shri Kalyanaraman Bhagavathar; floutist Shri. Shridhar Gopalaraman; Shenkottai Shri. Harihara Subramanian; Violinist Srirangam Shri. Lakshminarayanan etc. Apart from established pioneer artistes, Dr. Seetharaman also had the privilege to accompany some of the upcoming artistes like Ms. Anahita and Apoorva; Ms. N S Kamakshi; Shri Bharat Sundar; Harikatha/Musical Discourse Exponent Smt. Suchitra Balasubramanian and the like.


In this segment of the featured article, the aim is to showcase his achievements and musical presentations and outstanding participations in some of the well-known countries abroad. Well, he had organized an ensemble group consisting of many outstanding Carnatic and Hindustani artistes followed by a few thematic ensemble concerts in the past many years across Mumbai. He had also given performances overseas at many places like Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (London); Mall of the Emirates (Dubai); Hindu convention Center (Birmingham) and Nehru Center (London) organized by the esteemed Indian High Commission.

As an ambitious artiste Dr. Seetharaman is scouting for more opportunities and making all efforts to carve a niche in the musical world with his humble contributions. Dr. Seetharaman is vis-a-vis pursuing his M D in Psychiatry and is currently working as a resident Doctor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Prestigious Nair Hospital Mumbai. Never-the-less his unfortunate visual impairment in 2017, with his consistent efforts and confidence, he could overcome the vision problem gradually. The saga of his life story has been covered in many interviews and documentaries, which will inspire and enthuse the younger generation and provide them ample motivation to bravely brace against all odds as well as to become role models for deserving people across the globe.

COMPLIMENTS AND CONCLUSION: In this featured article, every effort has been made to chronicle the life story of Dr. Seetharaman hitherto to the best of the author’s ability and earnestly hope some justice has been shown to the assignment. The sublime aim of every artiste is to regale the aesthetic audience and their ovation gives tremendous impetus to the performing artistes. The all -time relevant saying is, it is very easy to rise to the pinnacle of fame, but it is very difficult to stay there, sans strong determination and regular practice to hone up their skills or sharpen their talents so as to catch up with the advancing world.

It deserves special mention here that Dr. Seetharaman’s beloved mother SMT. SEETHALAKSHMI VENUGOPAL is a renowned, veteran classical Carnatic vocalist/musician who has given number of performances(kacheri) in Mumbai and outside before aesthetic audiences. She has done B A in Carnatic music from the prestigious Rajah’s college of Sanskrit and Tamil Studies Thiruvaiyaru in Chennai. It is apt to recall in this context that she gave a delighting stellar performance before an elite audience in the BHAJAN SAMAJ TEMPLE GROUND in GARODIA NAGAR two-three years ago.

Dr. Seetharaman’s father, Shri. S. Venugopal Iyer, a highly qualified ex banker is presently a successful business man, i e, Founder and Managing Director of an Advertising company, but, possesses pristine love for arts and fine arts and ardently supports artistes of all genres.

Shri. S.Venugopal Iyer and Smt. Seethalakshmi have a daughter also by name Ms. Vidya Iyer who, having done her Masters in Management from the well-known University of Melbourne, is presently working in Australia. Let us wish Dr. Seetharaman and his soulmate Smt. Sanjana Seetharaman all success in their onward hand- in- hand musical journey to achieve many admirations, accolades, laurels and prestigious awards in the years to come. Finally, let their optimistic parents bask in the glory of their talented children at every stage and watch on their steady progress with pride and contentment.

You tube link of Seetharaman’s live performance








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