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Despite protests, the Satanic group may unveil a satanic statue in Detroit.


After winning legalization of sodomy through gay-marriage, Satan is trying to win the next battle. A one-ton, nine-foot tall statue of a satanic figure is slated to be unveiled in Detroit later this month, despite mounting protests.


The announcement from the owners of The Satanic Temple comes as a group of Detroit preachers announced its opposition to the statue of Baphomet at a press conference on Monday (July 6,2015) morning.


Earlier, the founders of The Satanic Temple planned to place the statue next to a monument of the Ten Commandments at Oklahoma’s state capitol, but planned a big unveiling in Detroit slated for July 25 at Bert’s Warehouse in Detroit.



Due to the protest by the patrons of Bert Warehouse Theatre, the organizers changed the venue on July 7,2015. The new place is not yet announced, but the spokesman confirmed that the statue would be unveiled this month.


The Satanic Temple gained attention last year, when they put up a small holiday display on the Lansing Capitol lawn, where there was a Christian Nativity display.


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