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Chris Christie , the First Pro-life Governor of New Jersey. Indian American Governors too.   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


New Jersey’s first pro-life governor since Roe v. Wade (1973 Supreme Court law that legalized abortion) has a message for the Republican Party: Social issues don’t have to bog us down. 


“I’m pro-life and it didn’t bog me down!” Gov. Chris Christie declared on CNBC’s “Squawk Box”, while describing how Republicans can get ahead in 2016 – i.e., by being more like him.


Almost all Republican Governors are Pro-Life. Most of them came out strongly to be called as Pro-life Governors. Governor Bobby Jindal of  Lousiana (an Indian American), Governor Rick Perry of Texas, Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico (she was a Democrat before, but became Republican since she did'nt want to compromise her religious principles by being a Democrat), Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina (an Indian American), Governor Mary Fallin of Oklohama, Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona -----------thus goes the list of 31 Republican governors currently in power in the United States who strongly support religious freedom and family values.


The Hobby Lobby verdict by the Supreme Court on July 1, 2014 was a reaffirmation of religious freedom in the United States, though it is often misinterpreted as a women's right issue by the Democrats and Pro-abortionists.


“If you’re pro-life, you need to be pro-life for the whole life not just while they’re in the womb. Sometimes … it’s messy, " said Governor Christie in his yesterday's talk show with CNBC.


Christie is pro-life and vetoed Planned Parenthood ( Obama's Abortion Mill) funding five times before he ran for re-election in a state that is not known as a bastion of conservatism. Christie won 56% of women, 45% of Hispanics, and 21% of black voters, according to CNN exit polling data.


Christie has delighted pro-life advocates on multiple occasions by vetoing bills handed to him by the state legislature that would force state taxpayers to finance the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Instead he allowed more funds to Community Health Centers to provide more and better health care to the poor and uninsured ($113 million in Medicaid and $46.4 million for the uninsured). With this he wanted to make sure that people and communities who depend on these centers can get them services that can help them lead healthy lives now and in future.


During this speech to a Pro-Life rally in 2012 Christie made it clear he takes a strongly pro-life stance on abortion.


 “I stand with you,” on opposing abortion, the governor told the pro-life crowd, and “with each and every one of those precious human lives.”


“What we need to do each and every day is to live our lives in a way that encourages everyone to understand why this cause is so important,” Christie said. "To show that we respect the life of every human being, and that every human being is one of God’s creatures and deserves the love and respect that God gives to all us."


“As long as I have the honor of serving as governor, you will know you will have someone sitting in that office who understands the issue, who appreciates it and will continue to stand up and speak strongly in favor for the protection of every human life in New Jersey.”


Christie said elected officials who are pro-life must “speak loudly and clearly (and) leave no ambiguity about how we feel about this issue.”


Christie blamed Democrats for being monolithic on abortion. “The Democratic Party won’t even let someone who’s pro-life speak at their convention,” Christie says.



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