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Cardinal Dolan of New York Lashes Out Against Caricaturing Catholic Church as Anti-Gay   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York responds strongly, in an interview today with "Meet the Press" moderator David Gregory, that will be aired Sunday on NBC television channel.
When asked, why the Church is losing argument on gay marriage, Cardinal Dolan said, "the Roman Catholic Church has been out-marketed on the issue of gay marriage and has been caricatured as being anti-gay".
He categorically denied the notion that the Church is anti-gay, but said, "the Church supports only traditional marriage and is not anti-anybody".
Cardinal Dolan  also added,  "When you have forces like Hollywood, when you have forces like politicians, when you have forces like some opinion-molders that are behind it, it's a tough battle."
But, he said, the church will not give up on gay marriage issue.
Last year (March 2012), in another interview with O'Reilly of Fox News, Cardinal Dolan condemned the misleading propaganda by some bullies who were trying to achieve, judicially and legislatively, what they had been unable to achieve democratically. In that interview he said that the moral integrity of those bullies had been compromised, and that was the reason they were trying hard to caricature the Church and bishops, to achieve their goals.
In today's interview when asked about the health care issue, Dolan said, the Catholic Church has long championed comprehensive health care, several years ago. But, he said, U.S. Catholic bishops cannot support the Affordable Care Act as long as it includes coverage for abortion and contraception. It is also excluding undocumented immigrants and unborn babies.
Catholic Church stands for religious freedom, supports legalization of undocumented immigrants by reforming the immigration law, and rights of unborn babies.

(Cardinal Timothy Dolan is one of the most influential leaders of American Catholic Church and former President of the U.S.Catholic Bishops Conference)


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