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Both, often chat and eat together. Catholics safer than before.   - Dr.Jojy Vengassery


It is going to be one year after the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. It came as a shocking news to the world, but Pope Benedict was calm and hopeful. He knew that the Holy Catholic church had navigated successfully through many deadly -diabolic storms and evil-scandals, over the last 2000 years, only to gain more strength as the Bride of Jesus Christ and the Church of Holy Mother. His decision was entirely personal, based on his wisdom and judgment, obviously guided by his spirit. Some media (including catholic media) misreported it as a 'Vision', which was later rejected by Pope Benedict as well as the Vatican as a fake story.


Pope Benedict never had any "so-called vision", nor any loss of confidence. He was just physically weak (period), due to his age of 85 years, and wanted a successor to take charge---a simple Catholic Tradition of Priestly Humility and Fraternity-- of course, a model to all men and women in power.


Today, he is not in the limelight and has been forgotten by the public. The term Pope Emeritus is seldom used in the media. But the strong steps he took to cleanse the Church cannot be forgotten. In just one year (2011-2012) he defrocked 400 priests who were involved in sex-scandals and ordered many top clergies to step down. It reminds me of what Jesus did in the Temple of Jerusalem, whipping the evil-men and overturning their tables, to cleanse His Father's House.

Catholic Church has always faced diabolic attacks and heresies from inside and outside the Church, from the laity to the top of hierarchy, but, all those satanic works couldn't topple the Church, even after 2000 years. Today, we see Catholic pro-abortionists and Catholic gay-marriage supporters active in local church committees; catholic women who knowingly underwent sterilization standing at the lectern and reading the Holy Gospel; and some even teach catechism in Sunday Schools. Parish priests should take the responsibility for this disgrace and correct it.


Pope Francis follows the steps of  Pope Benedict when it comes to sex scandals and financial corruptions. He declared a zero-tolerance policy against sex-abuse issues, continued defrocking of  guilty priests, and restructured the councils and administrations in and around the Vatican. Both of them often chat over phone or have breakfast together, discussing issues, and praying together for strength and guidance. Having two Popes together in Vatican is a historic period for the Catholic Church. Catholics should feel blessed and feel safer than before, to have two Popes together at the Holy See.


Both live a simple life, no pomp or luxury of the high positions they hold. 77 year old Pope Francis often finds time to visit 86 year old Pope Benedict , and Pope Francis says, "it is like having grandfather at home". Once he confessed to some journalists that he often felt the need to consult Pope Benedict on many things.




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