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Bones of Saint Peter the Apostle and First Pope to be Displayed:


According to a statement released by Vatican, the bones believed to be the mortal remains of St. Peter, the chief Apostle of Jesus will be displayed for the first time, later this month.  
Archbishop Rino Fisichella said on Monday (November 11th) that Catholics making a pilgrimage to St. Peter's tomb to mark the end of the Year of Faith on November 24 will be able to view the relics traditionally recognized as those of Saint Peter who gave his life for the Lord.
Archbishop Fisichella was referring to the belief that St. Peter was crucified upside down, and died in either A.D 64 or 67, where the St. Peter's Basilica was built.
Previously, only the box containing the bones was on display.
The beloved saint's remains were discovered during excavations of the necropolis under St. Peter's Basilica in the 1940s. But, for several years, the remains stayed below ground and out of public view since their discovery. In 1960's Pope Paul VI officially declared the authenticity after archeological testing by scientists. Peter's tomb was discovered near a monument constructed in the 4th century to honor him. The tomb is located under the altar of the Vatican basilica.
Millions of pilgrims visit St. Peter's tomb each year inside the basilica named for him. Peter was the leader of Christ's 12 apostles and the first bishop and Pope of the Catholic Church. Saint Peter is believed to be the Gate Keeper of Heaven according to the Gospel of St. Mathew Chapter16 verses17-20.


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