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Abortion Industry CEO opens campaign office for Hillary Clinton:


The abortion industry will have another best friend in the White House again, if Hillary Clinton is elected president, and recent events in Iowa prove that to be true. The CEO of the local Planned Parenthood abortion business, Jill June, helped Clinton open up a campaign office in the state of Iowa and spoke to her supporters, of around 70 people,  at an event marking its debut.


Hillary Clinton, who recently slammed the U.S congress for passing a bill to ban late-term abortion, has a long pro-abortion history. Last year in an address to pro-abortion activists she said that "to be pro-woman is to be pro-abortion".


In her role as the U.S Secretary of State she strongly advocated for abortion on an international scale. In June 2012 she pressed the United Nation's Rio+20 Conference to include reproductive rights to promote abortion. But, a diverse group of countries around the world rallied together with the Vatican to successfully remove any mention of reproductive rights or population control from the final outcome document produced during the last round of UN negotiations at the Rio +20 conference.


Recently, Clinton personally urged Obama to allow more tax payer money to Planned Parenthood groups that perform and promote abortion.




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