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Spring starts this week but spring allergy started early and may worsen:
Spring starts this week but spring allergy started early and may worsen:

Jojy Cheriyan MD; MPH- March 19,2013
2013 spring officially takes off on March 21. But spring allergy got kick off early this year by the shifting temperature in many parts of the country especially south and south east coast.
Some parts of the South and East Coast began breathing -in high tree pollen counts in January. Then pollen levels dropped in early February before climbing again by the end of the month. Plenty of allergy-prone people were caught unprepared.
Last year we had the fourth warmest winter on record and the swinging temperatures led to record-breaking pollen counts that struck one month earlier than normal.
This year, many areas like Texas and south east states got a false spring. Temperatures rose briefly and then dipped again. The swings caused pollen levels to rise, then fall, then rise again. This pattern is called 'priming effect' according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Many allergists say that this pattern of exposure and re-exposure will worsen the symptoms because the immune system responds more powerfully when it is repeatedly exposed to the same allergens in a short period.
According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology , over 35 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies every year.
In the early spring, trees are the first to produce pollen as they start budding. Symptoms include itchy eyes, nose , throat; sneezing; stuffy or runny nose; watery eyes; and red eyes or dark circles around the eyes.
There is no complete cure for spring allergy and it is impossible to completely avoid spring allergens if you live in an area where plants grow. However you can ease the symptoms by early treatment and avoiding allergens.
The following steps will help you get relief from the allergy attacks:
1.Take medications from the very beginning of symptoms. If you start medications after the symptoms are in full swing ,it may be much harder to stop the allergic reaction than preventing it from the beginning. There are several OTC (over-the-counter)medications available which you can buy without prescriptions. But if you are on any other medications for chronic illnesses, always consult your primary care provider before taking OTC drugs.
2. Limit outdoor activities and stay indoors when pollen counts are high. Usually pollen counts are high in the mornings, but some times more in the afternoons.
3. Keep your doors and windows closed whenever possible during the spring months to keep allergens out.  Keep the windows of your car also closed while traveling. Set your car air-conditioner to re-circulate instead of sucking in outside air.
4. An 'air purifier' in the house may also help to filter any allergens that get inside. Using  air-conditioner can also help filter the outside air that comes into your home. Avoid setting up fans that suck air from outside to indoors, instead use indoor air re-circulation.
5. Clean or replace the filters of your air conditioners and air purifiers often. Also, clean bookshelves, vents, window- curtains and other materials or areas where pollen can collect.
6. Wash your hair after being outside, because pollen can collect on your hair and cause allergy. Washing face and hands after going outside is also good. It is always better to adopt the habit of taking shower before going to bed to rid your body of all allergens. Change your clothing, if it was used outside, before going to bed to keep your sleeping area free of pollen.
7. Avoid mowing lawn or raking leaves if you are allergic, because these activities can stir up pollen and mold.
8. Do not hang bed sheets or clothes outside for drying , because the pollen can easily get deposited on them, more if wet.
9. Vacuum your house twice a week. Wear a mask because vacuuming can scatter pollen, dust and mold trapped in your carpet.
10. Wearing oversized sunglasses can help block airborne pollens from hitting your eyes. This can  prevent redness and watery eyes. Wearing a hat—preferably a wide-brimmed hat—can also help keep pollen and other allergens from landing in your hair and eyes.
11. Avoid diet triggers. Almost 25% of seasonal allergy sufferers experience unpleasant cross reactions when they eat certain fruits and nuts during spring time. They may feel tingling in the mouth or itchy throat due to the cross reaction between the proteins in the food and pollens. Avoid these foods during spring season.
12. Make a habit of checking your local pollen levels through local television channels or news papers. You can also go to the National Allergy Bureau of  the American Academy of Allergy , Asthma & Immunology for the up-to-date pollen counts. You can sign up for email alerts or download the smart phone app for updates.
These steps will help you to keep pollens away and enjoy the spring time. Happy and Healthy spring time to all readers of JPMnews.com.





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