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Parental Monitoring of Media, Crucial for Healthy Behaviors in Children-Including Academic Performance:
Parental Monitoring of Media, Crucial for Healthy Behaviors in Children-Including Academic Performance:

Dr.Jojy Cheriyan MD,MPH-April 5,2014

Parents should monitor the time spent by kids in front of television and video games. Several studies have been published in the last few years raising red flags about the impact of electronic media on the physical, mental and intellectual growth of children.


The new study published (March 31, 2014) by the leading journal of American Academy of Pediatrics (JAMA -Pediatrics) sheds light on a broader range of issues. Researchers in this study concluded that parental monitoring of media has protective effects on a wide variety of academic, social, and physical development of children.


Parents who closely monitored their children's media consumption helped them get more sleep, improve their academic performance and lessen their aggression.


Researchers said more sleep also was tied to a lower body mass index.


"Pediatricians, family practitioners, nurses and other health care professionals who encourage parents to be more involved in their children's media may be much more effective at improving a wide range of healthy behaviors than they realize," said the study author Dr.Douglas Gentile.


Total screen time and exposure to media violence influence children’s sleep, school performance, and pro-social and aggressive behaviors.


A previous study published last year also suggested avoiding television and other media devices 2 hours before sleep. This can promote adequate sleep that children need to process memory and cognition.


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids older than two years should only be exposed to one to two hours of screen time per day, at the most.


Previous studies have also found that watching shows with children could magnify the negative effects of screen time. That may be because children believe parents are giving their stamp of approval to the content.


The benefits of limiting screen time will accrue only gradually. Children may react by showing temper tantrums or resistance in the beginning. But , gradually parents can notice positive changes in their behaviors and academic performance.






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