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New Jersey Governor Sued over Gay Conversion Ban:
New Jersey Governor Sued over Gay Conversion Ban:

Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Counselors and Social workers are suing Governor Christie to block the measure he signed into law on Monday (August 19,2013), that bans the use of gay conversion therapy on minors (under 18 years old).
A group led by a psychologist Ronald Newman and a licensed counselor Tara King filed the law suit in the Federal Court Trenton on Friday August 23, 2013. They were joined by the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality of Utah and the Virginia-based American Association of Christian Counselors.
The suit seeks to immediately halt the enforcement of the law as well as a judicial declaration that the law violates state and federal constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.
The suit says " by preventing minors from seeking counseling to reduce or eliminate their unwanted same -sex sexual attractions, behaviors and identities, this new law-
1. Denies or severely impairs clients and all minors their right to self determination,
2. Denies their right to prioritize their religious and moral values,
3. Denies their right to receive effective counseling consistent with their value and faith,
4. Infringes on the rights of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children,
5. Harms counselors and therapists by forcing them to violate ethical codes.
Governor Christie, a Roman Catholic, was initially reluctant to sign this law, but as he is running for re-election in 2 months he might have thought of pleasing the democrats and the gay lobby in the state. Before signing the bill he quoted the study published by American Psychological Association which reported that gay conversion therapy can cause behavioral issues in minors. Scientific evidence is not adequate if gay conversion therapy is good or bad. This action of Governor Christie has irked conservative Catholics in the state who praised his veto against the same sex marriage bill last year.





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