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Catholics who support abortion but oppose female feticide are hypocrites :
Catholics who support abortion but oppose female feticide are hypocrites :

Jojy Cheriyan MD;MPH-May 11,2013
As pro abortion activists raise their voice for women's reproductive rights, resistance against Catholic church is growing day by day. But statistics show that abortion is killing more baby girls than baby boys. So the logical question is, are these pro abortion activists supporting female genocide? But if you ask a pro abortion catholic woman if she supports female feticide, she will pause for a while. ( Female "gendericide" is a new word widely used now a days to refer to the selective killing of female fetuses through abortion). Some Catholics who criticize the mission of Catholic church to protect human life from the time of conception, are causing self-inflicted insults by indirectly supporting female gendericide caused by abortion.
Every year during the month of  May controversies erupt in Catholic Universities across the US on matters related to the prolife attitude of the chief guests invited to give keynote address in the graduation ceremonies.
In 2009 when President Barack Obama was honored by the Notre Dame university ( one of the oldest Catholic Universities in US created in honor of Our Lady in 1842), only a few Catholics came forward to show their protests. Despite the unanimous appeal by the American Bishops to cancel the event or replace the speaker, the traditionally catholic university went ahead with conferring honorary degree on the pro-abortion President.
The American bishops have clearly opposed Catholic honors for pro-abortion politicians in their 2004 statement called 'Catholics in Political Life'.
This week a new controversy erupted with the Boston College's invitation to Ireland Prime Minister Enda Kenny who is a pro abortinist and catholic. Boston College is a Catholic and Jesuit institution. This Prime Minister has even reportedly threatened to expel Catholic members of parliament if they refuse to vote for the pro abortion bill which he proposed to pass in July 2013.
Yesterday Cardinal O'Malley of  Boston came out publicly, urging Boston College to redress the confusion, disappointment and harm caused by not adhering to the Bishops' directives. In his strongly worded statement he said that he would boycott the commencement ceremony scheduled for May 20th.
It is a paradox that Catholics who should be prolife by religious belief and tradition are turning in favor of abortion . These Catholics who are pro-abortionists should know that according to the recent UN report over 200 million girls (20 crores) are missing in the world, most of them from China and India, and the cause is female feticide which is scientifically and medically called " induced abortion".
But women in the US might say that it is a perennial problem in India and China only, not in US. They should know that data published by CDC (US government agency) and pro-abortion Guttmacher institute in 2011 showed 56 million reported abortions since 1973, when abortion got legal green flag (Roe v. Wade case) from the US Supreme court.
The CDC also admitted that this number could be more than 56 million, since they used only reported cases from state databases.
The number means there are more than 3,300 abortions daily and 137 abortions per hour in the United States. Translated another way, an abortion is done about every 30 seconds in the United States. This means abortion has taken a terrible toll on America.
Now, take the case of Canada. According to a recent report by a Canadian Member of Parliament Mr. Mark Warawa, female infanticide is increasing in Canada with immigration from India and China. The prime minister of Canada who is a pro-abortionist refused to comment since there was solid data ( statistical analyses by Canadian Medical Association) to prove this allegation. In the aftermath of this report a record number of  young women rallied at Parliament Hill in Ottawa on May 9,2013 sparking off a national debate to stop female feticide through abortion. Dozens of senators and parliament members attended this rally.
Last couple of years witnessed more debates and discussions among the people all over the world about the need of full legal protection for all human beings, irrespective of sex, from the time of conception to natural death. The 200 million missing girls reported by the UN could have been our friends, sisters, mothers or neighbors. Catholics who are against atrocities against women should also accept the fact that the largest threat to a woman to born freely and live freely in this world is abortion which takes away her right to live.





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