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Abortion of disabled children rampant in UK:
Abortion of disabled children rampant in UK:

Jojy Cheriyan MD;MPH-July 27,2013
UK's uncivilized and barbaric abortion law with loop holes has been under widespread criticism by the conservative legislators and the Catholic church for the past several years. The Commission of Inquiry into Abortion on the Grounds of Disability was established after alarming reports emerged in the press about children being aborted based on gender or minor defects.
The report submitted earlier this week by the parliamentary commission, chaired by the Conservative MP  Fiona Bruce, is shocking and shameful to the humanity.
Under the current law (which is an outdated 1967 law) fetuses can be aborted as late as 40 weeks on grounds of disability. The commission found that there is no clear legal definition of how seriously disabled a child should be in order to justify a termination.
Commission also found that enormous number pregnancies are being terminated up until full term simply because of simple cosmetic reasons.
Many Parents are being “steered” towards aborting babies with disabilities without proper information on the alternatives available to them, the committee reported.
In some extreme cases fetuses were aborted purely because screening had detected a cleft lip or club foot, conditions which could be dealt with after birth, according to the committee.
The committee – which includes representatives of all three major parties and Baroness Hollins, the outgoing president of the BMA (British Medical Association) – is calling for the limits to be equalized between the two categories of termination or for disability abortion to be eliminated altogether.
The committee, which heard from medical bodies, campaign groups, doctors, lawyers and parents, said that a majority of those who gave evidence viewed abortion on disability grounds as "discriminatory" and " unethical".
But pro-choice lobby groups (who supports killing babies in womb) have criticized the accuracy and objectivity of the report. A British pro-abortion group called 'Education for Choice' complained about inadequate documentation and inappropriate use of emotive language.





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