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Abortion and Mental Health - New study is a re-appraisal and a victory for Prolife supporters :
Abortion and Mental Health - New study is a re-appraisal and a victory for Prolife supporters :

Jojy Cheriyan MD;MPH-April 12,2013
A peer-reviewed systematic study  published by the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry on April 3,2013 argues that 'Induced Abortion of Unwanted and Unintended Pregnancy' can have mental health consequences.
This new study questions the findings of the  UK-based (National Collaborating Center for Mental Health ) study published in December 2011, which concluded that abortion did not increase the risk of mental health problems.
Association between Induced abortion and Mental health is an area of political controversy and a hot topic in the US ever since the Obamacare took effect .
Some US-based studies report that induced abortions do not cause mental health problems., and that the risk of mental-health problems is equal whether an unplanned pregnancy is carried to term or terminated via abortion.
A few other studies blamed pre-existing factors in a woman's life like emotional attachment to pregnancy, lack of social support , psychiatric illness and conservative religious beliefs as the causes for increased likelihood of mental problems.
In 2008 American Psychological Association updated its findings saying that abortion had no mental health consequences. In the same year another systematic review of the medical literature on abortion and mental health found that high-quality studies consistently showed few or no mental-health consequences of abortion, while poor-quality studies were more likely to report negative consequences.
Lack of peer-reviewed and systematic studies has always been a setback for Pro-life activists who use the term "post-abortion syndrome" to refer to negative psychological effects of abortion, but this term is never accepted by any medical or psychological organizations, alleging lack of scientific evidence.
The new study published last week (April 03,2013) by the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry presents scientific evidence to prove that abortion has mental health consequences. This study titled " Does abortion reduce mental health risks of unwanted or intended pregnancy ? A re-appraisal of evidence"- shows that abortion is not associated with a reduction in rates of mental health problems, and is associated with increases in risks of anxiety, alcohol and drug misuse, and suicidal behavior. (Study Link)
The researchers of this study warn that -"the growing evidence suggesting that abortion does not have therapeutic benefits cannot be ignored indefinitely, and it is unacceptable for clinicians to authorize large numbers of abortions on grounds for which there is, currently, no scientific evidence."
This study concludes that -"There is no available evidence to suggest that abortion has therapeutic effects in reducing the mental health risks of unwanted or unintended pregnancy. There is suggestive evidence that abortion may be associated with small to moderate increases in risks of some mental health problems".
This study is going to have important political and social consequences. Over 90% of abortions in United States, Australia and New Zealand are done on the grounds that unintended pregnancy would cause serious threat to the woman's mental health, which is now proven to be not true.  
Based on this study, abortion can pose even a greater threat to woman's health and the rationale for legal abortion cannot be medically justified.





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