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A Prolife Bill restricting abortion passed in the U.S. House of Representatives:
A Prolife Bill restricting abortion passed in the U.S. House of Representatives:

Jojy Cheriyan MD;MPH-June19,2013
The bill introduced by the Republican Congressman Trent Franks  (Arizona) named as PAIN-CAPABLE UNBORN CHILD PROTECTION ACT was passed by the House yesterday ( June 18th 2013). This bill can bar federal money from going to healthcare plans that cover abortion and also ban late-term abortions (ie.after 20 weeks). This bill also exempts women who are victims of rape or incest as long as they report the crime to law enforcement authorities.
The scientific fact that a 20 week fetus (baby in the womb) has all the senses of a human being and can feel pain was highlighted in this bill. The bill was passed 228-196 with a majority of  Democrats opposing the bill. This is the most important Pro-life bill considered by the US congress in the last 10 years.
Recent murder conviction of Philadelphia physician Kermit Gosnell (called as " Abortion Doctor") for abortion procedures conducted in his medical clinic created a change in the thought process of many Americans who previously supported abortion.
Gosnell, a 69 year old gynecologist, and nine employees of his West Philadelphia Women's Medical Society were arrested on Jan. 19, 2013 and charged with several offenses. Gosnell was charged with eight counts of murder for allegedly killing babies born alive and giving a lethal dose of Demerol to women. According to the investigation report of Philadelphia Prosecutor , Gosnell induced labor, forced the live birth of viable babies in the sixth, seventh, eighth month of pregnancy and then killed those babies by cutting into the back of the neck with scissors and severing their spinal cord.The abortions of the biggest babies were scheduled for Sundays, when the clinic was closed. The only person allowed to assist with such cases was Gosnell's wife, who was also an employee of the abortion clinic.
Women paid $325 for first-trimester abortions and $1,600 to $3,000 for abortions up to 30 weeks. The clinic took in up to $15,000 a day. Some women who underwent forceful abortions in Gosnell's clinic still have nightmares and some came forward to give their testimonies.
This recent story of barbaric abortions caused a change in the attitude of women who have been pro-abortionists.
For this bill to become law it has to be passed by the Senate, which includes a majority of  Democrats, and signed by the President Obama. The White House has already threatened to veto this. So the possibility of this bill to become law is at stake.
Ten states have passed laws similar to the House bill, but several are facing court challenges. Last month, a federal court struck down as unconstitutional Arizona's law, which differs slightly in banning abortion 20 weeks after pregnancy, rather than conception.
According to the New York based Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research organization that supports abortion rights, 1.3% of the 1.2 million abortions in the country, which is about 15,600, occur 20 weeks after the fetus was conceived.
If this new bill becomes law, it can invalidate the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in 1973.





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