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336 million abortions in China-now wants more children to balance potential labor force shortage-a lesson to India too:
336 million abortions in China-now wants more children to balance potential labor force shortage-a lesson to India too:

Jojy Cheriyan MD;MPH-March 22,2013

Since 1971, Chinese doctors have performed 336million abortions, 196million sterilizations and inserted 403 million intra-uterine devices, the recent data  released by the Chinese Health Department reveals.
China's Communist Party first introduced measures to limit the size of the population in 1971, with its 'one-child for one couple rule' encouraging couples to limit children.
The one-child rule, with exceptions for ethnic minorities and some rural families, was implemented later, due to protests, at the end of that decade.
Forced abortions and sterilizations in India and China have always been criticized by human rights activists around the world.
In 1952, India was the first country in the world to launch a mass media campaign to spread the concept of family planning in response to population growth. Most developing nations soon followed suit.
The Chinese government estimated that without restrictions, the country’s 1.3billion population would be 30 per cent larger.
In the Unites States, where the population is only 315million (or about one-quarter the size of China’s) an estimated 50million abortions have been performed since the landmark Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in 1973.
After 40 years the birth control is impacting the economy:
As China’s working-age population begins to decline, economists have warned that the family planning rules will pose an increasing drag on economic growth. China’s dependency ratio – which compares the potential labor force with the number of children and retirees – rose last year for the first time in 40 years. Some economists say that the labor intensive industries in China will find it difficult for replacement and the economy will have a negative impact as the aging population is rapidly increasing.
The birth restrictions have also led to a severe gender imbalance because of a traditional preference for male children and the selective abortion of female fetuses. There are now 34million more men than women in China.
During the annual session of Chinese parliament last week, the government merged the Commission that enforces "one-child policy" to the health ministry which would limit the power of the Family Planning Unit. According to political analysts this restructuring will remove the power of family planning commission to design policies and will have less role in the country's population strategy.





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